Archives for the month of: December, 2014

***Special Offer on Individual Coaching Now Extended Until 1/9***  

Hello!  I hope you are enjoying the holiday week and are looking forward to an empowering, fulfilling New Year and New You!  On December 25th I received this email from a new client I thought I would share with you:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I am so grateful to have had the pleasure to work with you. You really helped me to see that I need to value who I am and what I bring to the table. My gift to myself is to value who I am and remember it throughout my journey. Happy Holidays!  ~ Maria S.

Now that the gift-giving to others has just about passed, what is your gift to yourself this coming year? What do you need to understand, grow, heal, and achieve to be the most peaceful, prosperous healthy you can be?  How can you get there?

If you’d like some guidance and support along your journey and have been thinking about working with me, now is a great time to do so – and I’m making it easy with a $50 discount on any of my services when purchased by this Wednesday, December 31st.

I know you will make 2015 your best year yet. I hope to have the honor of helping you to see and value what you bring to the table, determine and accomplish your career/life goals, and become exactly who are you are meant to be!

 Contact me today for more details and to schedule your session  

Last night* we experienced a rare occurrence of the Winter Solstice and a total lunar eclipse overlapping; this means the shortest day of the year combined with the cover-up of a full moon gave us a double dose of darkness. Although there is some debate and lots of myths about what effects these sorts of things have on people, after the year – and especially past couple of months- we’ve had, my interpretation is that “it’s always darkest before dawn.”

The good news is from now on the days will be getting progressively longer and bright. It’s important at this time of year to get all the literal sunlight in you can – think of the rays as vitamins for your mind, body, spirit and soul, a lack of which can alter our moods as anyone with SAD will attest.  In addition to the actual light, it’s also a good idea to keep things as ‘light’ as possible – do a little dancing (even if just around the house) or Zumba and be sure to laugh a lot.  At the very least you will make others smile when they see you sunbathing in 29 degree weather!

As we approach the end of the year, it’s also a good time to shed some light on what you’ve accomplished this past year. Many of my clients are in career transition, so it’s easy for them to feel as if nothing has happened; or if you are just going about your business from day to day, it’s easy to lose track of what has actually transpired over the past 12 months.

So make sure you spend at least a couple of hours over the next week or two with your journal and calendar to jog your memory to see what external things you experienced and accomplished this year, big or small. Then let them help you recall how you have grown and what has changed for you internally for you as well. What mental and/or emotional shifts have occurred, in terms of your perceptions of yourself, your life, your work, and your relationships? How have they affected some of the external actions you took or that happened to you? How can you bring more light to your world and the world around you?

Having a little trouble seeing the proof in the pudding of how far you’ve come along? I can be a flood light, offer an objective point of view and a little push for you to see where you’ve been and where you want to go in 2015 and beyond. Just give me a buzz and I’ll light the way to a more peaceful and prosperous new you!  


(*Today’s PGG was originally posted on December 21, 2010)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!  Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

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As you know, I send out my PGG enewsletter every week and its purpose is twofold.

The first is to provide a vehicle for me to express my thoughts and observations about what it means to be human in the modern world – my wish is that it gives you new insights about yourself, provides a different perspective on current events and/or simply lets you know you are not alone as you experience this journey called Life.

I hope you value the spirit in which they are written and enjoy reading them when you can; if so, please consider scrolling down to subscribe to PGG as a way of showing your appreciation and support for my efforts! 🙂  (And at the very least be sure you like “Personal Growth Gab” on Facebook!)

Secondly, these emails keep you in the loop with the coaching and speaking services I offer, as well as inform you about upcoming appearances, articles and other tidbits that might be happening in my world of work. I don’t do a heavy sales pitch – I simply want to be on your radar when you are ready to start working with a career/life/executive coach; but occasionally I have to do a bigger plug for my passion!

You can check out a bunch of testimonials from over seven years of coaching here and here as well as on my LinkedIn page, but today I wanted to take a moment to share a more recent email that I received after this past Thanksgiving:

I was fortunate enough to have worked with you as a career coaching client earlier this year. Since our time together, and our talks, I have landed a job as general counsel for a not for profit organization here in New York City. When we worked together you mentioned that you had a feeling I was meant for a larger destiny — that I was meant to be doing work for the betterment of others, and that I was meant to lead large groups of people. My work in the not for profit realm will combine those two things, and I feel in my gut that amazing experiences lie ahead. Now, the world is my oyster. Your coaching and influence had a profound impact on me, and I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to you for being a guiding light. ~ Vanessa M.

And another from a client who just took a big step in her personal growth last week:

I did it!! I followed your advice and recommendations on ways to get in touch with my true self.  My heart is alive and racing….my ego almost talked me out of it but I’m in.   I signed up for the volunteer project and registered for the class we talked about.  Thank you Kristina for believing in me and inspiring me to take action!  You’re wonderful and so good at what you do.  ~Joann S.

And in case you don’t read this one at the top of PGG every week:

I can honestly say that speaking to you was one of the most important events in my life. It is almost unbelievable how a 2-hour conversation can have that effect. ~ Bozhanka V. 

So as you think about turning to a brand new chapter of your life in the New Year or just want to move forward in your career, I’m here to help with a $50 discount to use on any of my services between 1/1/15 and 3/15/15 when purchased in full by 12/31/14. Use it for yourself or perhaps offer a session(s) as a gift to someone you know might benefit.

Whether coaching, speaking or writing, it is always my intention to provide the clarity, balance and direction you need in order to make your life the most prosperous and fulfilling it can be so that you can create peace in your piece of the pie.  I look forward to working with many of you in 2015 and beyond to make that goal a reality.

Wishing you Peace, Prosperity, Patience and Love


 P.S. If you need a PGG fix today or any day, all past posts can be found on this website

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No matter what the topic, I always talk about two things in my seminars: how can we expect to have peace on this planet if we don’t have peace in our own lives; and everyone should cook.  Ergo, we must have peace in our kitchens in order to have peace in our lives in order to have peace in the world.  

Whether you consider yourself the next Top Chef or think heating up leftovers in the microwave qualifies, my go-to recipe that gourmets and gauche gourmands alike can make is pea soup. Cooking in general, and especially something like soup, is extremely meditative and teaches us that life does not always function like an instant message; this forces you to slow down, be more present, have more patience and then literally enjoy the fruits of your labor.

One ingredient alone won’t cut it, and you can really make the recipe your own.  Each chopped up piece of onion, carrot, celery, garlic, (ham, kale, turnip, parsnip, sweet potato…whatever else you want to put in there) and of course split peas, ultimately blend together in an harmonious way; the whole meal is highly nutritious with many healthy benefits, and the subtle combination of these diverse components, over time, brings out the best in each other.  Yum.

The United States has been called a melting pot, and as a struggling global superpower, if that can truly be realized in its most positive sense, the rest of the world has a pretty good shot as well.  So, as you’re making the soup, perhaps visualize the ingredients as Red States and Blue States, the Rich and the Poor, White, Black, Muslim, Non-Muslim, Gay, Straight, Liberals and Conservatives – and why not throw in the countries of the European Union as well, since they need all the help they can get at the moment…

But if you really are a menace in the galley, you can always take a mental ride on the Peace Train or imagine yourself a member of the YouTube Symphony Orchestra, with 100 artists from over 30 countries playing more than two dozen diverse instruments, coming together to create that beautiful universal language known as music.

Still feel like your Jong is kind of Il?  Give me a buzz and I’ll help unite your body, relationships, career and life so they can be peas in a pod and you can make your contribution by experiencing a deeper sense of peace in your piece of the pie.  

(Today’s PGG was originally posted on December 20, 2011)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!  Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

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When traveling by myself in Cape Town, South Africa in 2001, just seven years after the end of apartheid, I had a major aha moment while having tea in the lobby of the historic, old-world luxury Mount Nelson Hotel.

Feeling somewhat awkward in my solo budget travel state, I was in the midst of sipping Earl Grey when something clicked within me on the most profound of levels. It occurred to me that due to the mere fact my skin was white – with the bonus of having blonde hair at the time – I was essentially given free rein to go wherever I desired and do whatever I wanted, and no one would ever question me, look at me strangely, or think I didn’t belong.

Yes, I was in one of the most segregated countries on the planet, but it really struck me that this applied in a broader context – no matter where I go, simply because of the color of my skin, along with being tall and dressing reasonably well, in addition to being educated and American, I enjoy a certain level of trust, respect (well, this was just before 9/11) and service, and almost always inadvertently avoid outright discrimination and bodily harm, even as a woman (which itself is topic for another discussion, since that is only a very recent phenomena and may apply to less places, but I digress…).

Suddenly the phrase “carte blanche,” which literally translates as “white card,” came into my head and I immediately made the connection to the District Six Museum’s display of various ID cards for citizens under that classified system:  White, Coloured, Black, and Indian.  In the United States, and in a global sense, it is an invisible card I carry that gives me entree, ease and yes, a certain unearned privilege, to live a life free of so many stresses, layers of misperceptions, institutionalized prejudice, fear, bias and/or hatred the majority of those of darker shades must endure, and are too often endangered by.

I realize in telling you this story I may sound naive, but you have to know this came at a time to someone who from childhood in theory, and more than ten years prior to that moment in practice, was not only quite aware of, but particularly passionate about, the issue of racial inequality and had many interpersonal experiences, observations and relationships informing a significant understanding of the complexities all that entails – earlier that year I had even started a non-profit organization to dispel stereotypes and bigotry in order to bring women together to “Recognize Our Unity” and “Celebrate Our Diversity”. 

But being in a place where racism had so recently been explicitly acknowledged and addressed in such a direct manner brought this concept home to me in a way that up until that point in my life, because I am White, had only been subtly perceptible, and even then, only because I was sensitive to the issue.

A couple of years later while waiting in the cold for an MTA bus on First Avenue in the East Village I got to experience this overtness in reverse. Two Black women chose to ditch the delayed public transportation, and I watched in disbelief as two, three, five, six open taxis passed by as they tried to hail them; disgusted, I asked if they needed help, and of course the next cab stopped for me but when the driver realized the Black women, not me, were getting in, he drove away.  Finally I asked where they were going; I was so appalled I decided I would just get in and share it with them. Of course the irony was that they were only going to 78th between First and Second, probably one of the whitest blocks in the city…It was perhaps the closest I will come to know what it must feel like to deal with race on a daily basis, simply trying to accomplish the most mundane of tasks.

Fast forward to February 2012. After my talk at the NY Science, Industry and Business Library a young Black man came up to thank me for what I had shared, how it made him think differently about his life, and pointed out to me what he had written down so he could make positive change going forward. He then said he had recently been released from federal prison, would I be willing to work with people like him?  Well, this began a journey in which I learned more specifically about the consequences of race and the criminal justice system, the roots of mass incarceration and the many barriers to re-entry. It has since widened and deepened my understanding of the unhealed wounds, scars and repercussions of our country’s history of slavery.

What we are dealing with in the aftermath of injustice after injustice against people of color are symptoms of a very sick system that is made up of people, and people are crying out for transformation and healing. It is not a Black problem; it is not a White problem. It is a human problem. No matter what card-carrying member of our race you proclaim (or are deemed) to be, we’re all in this man-made mess together – and we will only solve it one story, one interaction, one aha moment at a time.

(Click here for a fancy color version of today’s PGG)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!  Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

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