Archives for the month of: June, 2017

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly ~ Unknown

One of my current clients has done a tremendous amount of work in a very short time: She has had major revelations in noticing past patterns, stripped away unhealthy relationships and is beginning to tap into who she really is, not who she became to please everyone else.  It takes an immense amount of effort to do this.

For the caterpillar, transformation literally means disintegrating its old form to become ‘goop’ while protected in the cocoon prior to emerging as a butterfly.  You can imagine the energy required to do so, and it can’t be very comfortable being formless and not able to see much, if it can see at all – it’s not easy being goop!

Conscious or not of its eventual destiny, the old self, having served its purpose, is dying a type of death and a natural grieving process occurs. In consoling my client about letting go of her past, I mentioned how Cher had a hard time because intellectually she had grasped what was happening, but she became very upset when she realized the voice of her child was changing;  her daughter was now becoming a son. And although the person that she gave birth to was very much still there, she was losing Chastity in order to welcome Chaz.

Chaz Bono, and anyone who is transgender, has to deal with perhaps the most extreme of identity issues.  The amount of courage it takes to make such a transition, especially in the public eye, is truly inspiring. Not only did Chaz have to know and be comfortable enough with himself to make such a seemingly drastic decision, but he also had the poise and confidence to articulate so graciously and effectively how and why he needed to do what he did, demonstrating a profound lesson for us all in ultimate self-awareness and love. 

Chaz’s story is an important and powerful one because no matter how we identify ourselves, we all go through various forms of transformation throughout our lives -some more internal, others more external -in order to evolve into the best and fullest versions of our own humanity. His experience teaches us to be true to ourselves, accept and honor all of who we are, and trust that those who sincerely care for us will do so as well, even if it does take some time to adjust. Chaz is more content in his new body and his new life than he has ever been; the more of us who get to that place, the better off we all are.

Whether you want to find your voice, be more comfortable in your body, or express more of your Sal or Sally, I can be a mirror and guide for you in the process, peeling back the layers and providing a cocoon of support and space for you to go from goop to glorious, like a Butterfly!

(Today’s PGG was originally published on May 27, 2011)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over thirty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | Express Yourself

In the Summer of ’69 (July 20 to be exact) we celebrated the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon, where the famous words uttered by Neil Armstrong beamed down That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  You may never have your feet touch the lunar landscape, but can you imagine what kind of step would be the equivalent of that for your life here on Earth?

When you’re on a tightrope or crossing a stream, you must be very conscious and super-present at every moment, because one wrong move would surely cause you harm.  Each step serves its unique purpose to push you closer to your destination, no matter if there are 200, 20, or a very special 12.

As the wise saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Sometimes we need to take baby steps, sometimes we have to take one giant step, and many times we feel as though we’re taking one step forward and two steps back.

But most of all, it’s important for us to step outside our comfort zone from time to time. If we don’t take the initiative to stretch ourselves, then we often miss opportunities to learn and grow (although the Universe eventually ends up pushing us one way or another anyway)!

So if you are in transition or at a place where you feel like your footing is a little unsure, give me a buzz. I will help you get your bearings, hold your hand, keep you steady, and guide you along, one step at a time – to get from one side of the riverbank to the other or one moonbeam to the next.

 ***Check out these upcoming workshops  to help you slow down and take a look at your career and life, gain new perspectives and discover tips and tweaks to make it the least stressed and most fulfilled it can be, no matter who you are and what you do!***

P.S.  My friend likes to say I have “titanium balls” knowing all I’ve been through, confronted and created.  Here’s your chance  to learn what she means and understand how I got them!




It’s a great cost-effective way to work with me, as everyone who attends will get lots of individualized attention. 


SATURDAY, June 24th 10:30am-2:30pm  

 Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & LIfe!)    

***These are powerful professional development opportunities, so check with your supervisor or HR to see if they will sponsor you and any of your colleagues to attend.***


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over thirty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | Express Yourself


Spend some quality time with yourself this June identifying your purpose, improving your daily routine and learning techniques that will make your career and life the most fulfilled and least stressed it can be!

These workshops will provide the guidance and support you need to let go of what is holding you back, focus on your deepest desires and come away with a new attitude that will transform the way you think about your life and the way you live it.

CHECK OUT ALL THREE WORKSHOPS IN THE SERIES (Click on titles to learn more and register for each workshop):

 Who Are You & What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life – Tuesday 6/13 6:30pm-9:pm 

WORK IT! Taking control of the daily grind to optimize your time and energy – Tuesday 6/20 6:30pm-9:00pm

Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)  – Saturday 6/24 10:30am-2:30pm  

Take one, two or all three workshops to move your life forward with clarity, balance and direction!   (Click for an email with all three descriptions and Kristina’s group coaching )

If you are in NYC this is a great cost-effective way to work with Kristina but have been unable to do a private session! 

The unofficial start of summer is traditionally accompanied by a more relaxed, go-with-the-flow kind of attitude.  Years ago, re-runs were shown on a very limited number of TV channels, and there was no Internet to entice/distract/constrain us from being outside enjoying the warmer weather and longer days.

With our 21st century, 24/7 lifestyle, this means that we have to consciously take time to disconnect with technology and re-connect with Nature and ourselves.

Like that cool special effect in big blockbuster movies of our recent past and present, we need to pause midair and get a full 360 degree view of what is going on around us so that we can take the precise action to defend and/or advance who we are and what we want.

Whether in the park or at the beach, be sure to take a moment to reflect on where you really want to be going and why, rather than just moving unconsciously from one activity to the next, day after day.

If you’ve been feeling anxious or not in control, give me a buzz – I’ll take the remote out of your hand, put it on slo-mo (or even pause), and guarantee you’ll be feelin’ groovy in no time!

 ***Check out these upcoming workshops to help you slow down and take a look at your career and life, gain new perspectives and discover tips and tweaks to make it the least stressed and most fulfilled it can be, no matter who you are and what you do!***

P.S.  My friend likes to say I have “titanium balls” knowing all I’ve been through, confronted and created.  Here’s your chance to learn what she means and understand how I got them! (Hint: it has to do with how I manage my time and energy)



It’s a great cost-effective way to work with me, as everyone who attends will get lots of individualized attention. 

THIS TUESDAY, June 20th 6:30-9pm

WORK IT! Taking Control of the Daily Grind  

NEXT SATURDAY, June 24th 10:30am-2:30pm  

Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & LIfe!)  

 ***These are powerful professional development opportunities, so check with your supervisor or HR to see if they will sponsor you and any of your colleagues to attend.***


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over thirty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | Express Yourself

Actors, when interviewed about their craft, often talk about finding out what the “truth” of the situation is for their part; Shakespeare tells us, “All the world’s a stage, all the men and women merely players.

We are all characters in our own play or movie acting out daily scenes, but it’s easy to forget that we’re also the producers, writers and directors, especially when it comes to our relationships.  We can, to a certain extent, cast who is in our life, assign them certain roles and create all the drama, comedy and romance that we want.  We can even rewrite the script when we have the courage to do so.

The best way to do this is to be honest with yourself so that you can communicate from the heart exactly what it is that you want and need. Since most people don’t walk around with ESP, it’s really up to you to say what you mean and mean what you say (in an appropriate way, of course!) and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that you honored what is real and true for you.

If it’s not a common practice, speaking your truth can feel uncomfortable, even messy, and can make you or the other person feel like a deer in headlights- but at least you’ll get to the bottom of things and set the stage to make the next scene better.

You can run but you can’t hide from the truth, and telling it to yourself is the first step.  If you’re too scared or unable to see it, give me a buzz – I can be the spotlight that illuminates what’s really going on and help you create the starring role with a happy ending you so deserve!

(Today’s PGG was originally published on May 18, 2010)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over thirty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | Express Yourself

While walking down the street after a bizarre week of odd “coincidences” and uncanny timings, I happened to look up and notice the announcement board of a synagogue with this quote by feminist/activist/author Robin Morgan, “Only she who attempts the absurd can achieve the impossible.”

One definition of the word absurd is “inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense,” which means that any decisions or actions deemed as such perhaps come from a place that we can’t always understand, but know is from somewhere deep within us.

Our most popular presidents had a bit of that going on…George Washington’s advisors seriously questioned his determination to cross the frozen Delaware, and he intuitively knew how to present himself as a leader for this new country; Abraham Lincoln’s life is filled with examples of how he went against conventional wisdom and popular opinion.  Both men defied the odds by listening to their own conscience, inner voice and moral compass, and because of that became the great men we honor today.

Part of maturing is learning how to trust your own gut despite any outside influences.  While it can be helpful to get advice, when we are honest with ourselves, we are usually our own best counsel. Others might not know who we really are or may not have our best interests at heart. And I’m sure we can all remember times when we’ve dealt with the consequences of not heeding the wisdom of our gut.

My guess is that Adam Sandler trusts his intuition as to what his audience thinks is funny or not regardless of what the Hollywood suits might say, and from his start back in the SNL days, he expressed a unique kind of silly humor that had yet to be considered commercially viable.  Well, we all know how that turned out!

When I meet with clients, often I am simply validating and confirming what they already know themselves but were too embarrassed, in denial, doubtful or repressed about to pursue or even admit.  If when a complete stranger in less than two hours, without you specifically divulging it, tells you that the ‘crazy’ idea you have, that thing you always wanted to do, the life that you always dreamed of, is exactly the direction you should be going in based on the dots I’ve connected, just go with it – it’s the green light you’ve been waiting for to produce that smash box office hit starring none other than YOU!

***Want to learn Who You Are and What You’re Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life? in a small private workshop on June 13th!  Click here for more info to register today*******

(It’s a great cost-effecitve way to work with me as everyone who attends will get lots of individualized attention) Early Booking Discount ends 6/7 

(Today’s PGG was originally published on February 22, 2011)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over thirty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | Express Yourself