Archives for the month of: January, 2016

I walk.  A lot.  My feet are my main source of transportation, as my Manhattan abode and general goings-on allow me to do so with relative ease.  It’s nothing for me to walk 30 blocks instead taking a subway, bus or cab.  If the ride is going to be 25 minutes or less plus walking to/from the destination, I often prefer to hoof it for the fresh air, exercise and lack of crowds, plus I save a few bucks and sometimes it’s actually faster!  I put on my Ipod, clear my mind and de-stress with each step; I consider it a moving meditation and wonder what discoveries I’ll make along the way.

But in the Big Apple with its hustle and bustle, we must walk around with a little protective bubble around us to keep us sane and safe – because if we truly took everything in all at once there would be serious stimulation overload, and perhaps a few unpleasant experiences.

Sometimes though, people take being in their own world to the extreme. I regularly observe legally blind men and women fumble or wait at a corner only to have folks of all kinds pass them by as if they were invisible.  Perhaps a few notice but not sure what to do or are uncomfortable approaching a stranger.  I generally ask, “Do you need any assistance?”  Sometimes the answer is “No thank you,” but more often than not they just need to be pointed in the right direction, know if it’s okay to cross the street, or confirm what block they are on.  Other times I’m met with profound relief as they grab my arm while I escort them wherever they need to go.

It never takes more than a minute or two, and the fact that no one else seemed to care upsets me every time. All it means is being a little more aware of your surroundings, which is a good thing no matter what, while still maintaining your don’t-mess-with-me NYC look and attitude as you strut you stuff.

But I realize there’s also something deeper to be learned from these moments, especially when they occur more than once in the course of a week: What is it that I’m not seeing in my own life?  Where is my blind spot? How can I do more to show others what they cannot see for themselves?

So big guy (or gal), asking for direction(s) is never easy, but we all need help now and then. Looking for some assistance getting from point A to B?  Give me a buzz and I’ll be happy to get you on the right path and walk you through, step by step, guiding as much or as little as you’d like along the way!

(Today’s PGG was originally posted on November 1, 2011)



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It’s that time of year when the president of the United States delivers his annual address to Congress and the country, reflecting on the reality of where we are now and the direction he plans for us to go over the coming year and beyond.  It’s a snapshot of what’s happening at this point and time in our history; it’s a laundry list of the tasks that lie ahead which is meant to be both specific and visionary.

Since we’re 13 days into the new year, it’s still a good time to think about what you want in the coming 353 (it’s a leap year..), so why not take these chilly days to snuggle up with a journal and write a personal state of the union for your life?

How are your unique gifts, talents and abilities uniting with your work?  If not utilized in your current job, how you do express them in your everyday life? How are you connecting and uniting with the people around you – be them family, friends, co-workers or strangers?  How is the internal vision of you are and what you want uniting with the reality of your life at this moment? If you could freeze-frame your life right now and look at it 10 years from now, what would you think? What would you tweak?  What concrete things do you want to achieve and what is your overall vision for 2016 and beyond?

If you don’t yet have all the answers, a great way to start is by using these questions as a guide, , or simply give me a buzz and we’ll explore, evaluate, organize and come up with a plan to lobby for and legislate all that you want to accomplish in your own personal corner of the world.  And when you’re done you can do a little dance to the J.Geils Band catchy hit tune which you will then not be able to get out of your head.    

(Today’s PGG was originally posted on January 25, 2011)



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I always have a hard time explaining to folks what I do, even as I enter my ninth(!) year of coaching professionally. Over time I have come up with some language that helps (scroll down for that…), but last year I happened to catch the end of one of those PBS specials where the speaker, Lissa Rankin, author of Mind Over Medicine, was talking about how a doctor’s communication is critical to the healing of the patient. In fact, the physician can have a placebo effect, and therefore become the medicine itself.  That sparked an a-ha moment for me – I realized that I’m not a doctor, but through my writing, speaking and especially coaching, I am medicine, and strong medicine at that! 

I like to call myself a “holistic career coach” or “life chiropractor” because an individual’s work is my entree into looking at their entire life. This is because our jobs/careers are generally where we spend the most time and energy, so if that’s “off” many other things like health and relationships will be “off” as well, and vice versa. When I meet with clients, I get in there with my x-ray vision and supersonic hearing and connect the dots, see what is out of wack and give you an adjustment along with tools and resources to put you back in alignment.

“Treatment” could take the form of specific tasks and homework, my prescriptions so to speak, but sometimes it is simply me seeing you in a way that you’ve never looked at yourself before, which gives you new insights about who you are, where you should be going and how best to be using your time and energy. Most folks come away with a different perspective that is profoundly healing and motivates them to move forward in a positive direction, however long a process that might take.  Everyone is re-awakened to the person they know themselves to be.

In other words, you get a good dose of special sauce to do the things you need to do that will create purpose, meaning and balance in every area of your life!  Often this is a one-time injection and you’re re-calibrated and on your way; other folks are in the midst of a deeper transformation and need more guidance over a period of time.  Although there are most certainly phases when we all need outside expertise and support, it is always my goal to empower you to ultimately become your own coach and trusted counsel. 

We are humans, and we bring our whole human selves with our entire characteristics, experiences, limitations, talents, stresses and passions to wherever we are, whatever we are doing and whomever we are with. This resonates now more than ever with our 24/7 accessibility, increasingly virtual workplaces and the overall blurring of lines between our personal and professional lives, so we need to learn how to manage, balance and integrate it all!

I’m here to help. Yes, I’m strong medicine, but I always deliver with a spoonful of sugar, so don’t be afraid to contact me whenever you’re ready for a little remedy to what ails you.  And, this month I’m sweetening things up even more by offering you a discount on my services, so be sure to click here to check it out! 🙂

Whether we work together directly or not, I’m so very glad you’re here and hope you enjoy my regular PGG essays which will be back next week. Here’s to your Peace, Prosperity and Purpose in 2016 and beyond!

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If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

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