Archives for the month of: August, 2015

If you’re anything like me, many of my clients, and millions of humans, you are often your own worst enemy and harshest critic.  Perhaps you set imaginary limits and keep yourself from experiencing all that life has to offer, holding back for ‘rational’ reasons or because of subconscious thoughts based on irrational fears and silly untruths.

Since I can’t clone myself (yet!?), I, too, sometimes need an outside brain to get a little perspective and see things I can’t quite perceive within myself.  And because the majority of my work as a coach is listening, sometimes I, like all humans, just need to talk and be heard.

Therefore, I am ever-grateful for my closest friends and unofficial therapists who support me in various ways and set me straight (whether they know it or not!) with additional insights and tools I need to become unblocked, make adjustments and move forward. 

Because I spend an extraordinary amount of quality time with myself and practice what I preach/write, one thing I most definitely am is self-aware.  So when I get to a point when I gain even more awareness of things I probably should have been aware of in the first place, I can get into a cycle of beating myself up for not being aware enough!  As my holistic healer friend Noga says, Ah, the problems of being a conscious person!”

Along with a new awareness I recently gained came feelings of ickiness, shame, stupidity, and all-around disgust for allowing things not to have clicked for me in a certain way up until this point. This did not feel good, but in a twisted way felt right, because I was punishing myself, which seemed appropriate for the transgression against yours truly.  Oh, how the ego loves that!

As I always say, your time and energy is your most precious resources.  I can tell you this: Punishing and beating yourself up is a waste of that precious commodity and serves no purpose (and it can greatly adversely affect your health)!  So what do you do?

I normally have a few tools in my toolbox to process such a spell, but thanks to Noga, I was introduced to a new one:  Pretend the feeling is like holding a pen in your hand, and just drop it.  DONE. GONE. ARRIVEDERCI.  Since I have developed quite the strong muscle for being in the present and monitoring my thoughts, I simply needed to transfer this skill to eliminating useless, unproductive, and destructive emotions!  And guess what?  It works!

So for this week’s PGG, I really just wanted to share that.  And for all of you out there who could use a little more awareness yourself, need someone to talk to (with x-ray vision and supersonic hearing) who can offer you some insights and tools, or simply need a little help developing your own ‘presence’ muscle, give me a buzz.  I will be there to meet you wherever you are at in da funky club of life!

(*Today’s PGG was originally posted on August 13, 2013)


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As we head into the dog days of summer and things quiet down and/or you get outta of town before the busy days of Fall, I thought I would not-so-subtley suggest that you have my book, Personal Growth Gab (PGG) Volume One: Thought-provoking, inspirational and entertaining essays to keep you connect to yourself and make sense of this journey called Life to read on the plane, at the beach, poolside, while camping or on staycation!

What’s it about? Oh a little bit a this, a little bit a that. It’s the first five years of PGG (these weekly email blasts), which means 131 essays about self-care, career direction, transition, stress, feeling lost, going with the flow and more. They’re ideas, observations, and unique perspectives to make you think about yourself and your life in a new way, motivate you to make positive change, help ease those challenging times and perhaps have a chuckle or two.

You can scroll up or down on this email for the permanent promos, or read the official launch announcement and post-party wrap up for more info. And did I mention that it’s beautifully designed and has lots of fun music and movie references? You can go to the look inside feature on Amazon for a glimpse as well as check out the reviews (please add one yourself if you’ve already read it!), but I thought maybe I’d share some direct feedback I’ve received from readers:

Not going away? Here’s what Joanne S. emailed me the other day: “I love your book.  Perfect length for subway rides :)”

And Nicole O. also emailed, “I started reading your book on my commute home this evening and I love it! Such a nice way of thinking about things to bring someone to the positive side.”

Wendy L., a busy mother of three, told me on Facebook: “Hi Kristina, love your book…I enjoy reading it as a morning meditation before the chaos begins.”  Mary Ann M. echoed those thoughts: “I love your book I read it every day.”

Not sure what it might do for you? One day I woke up to this message from Jennifer M.: “I am reading your book – have about an hour this morning to myself before the craziness of life begins and I just read “Labor Pains” – I honestly have to tell you it has got me thinking !! I feel like at this point in my life I am just going through the motions with no direction – no goal for myself. Get up go to work / spend time with family and friends / pay bills / cook / clean etc. I really need to figure out what I should be focusing onbelieve I am happy but I think if I focus my energy on one thing to improve myself or my life – I may find even more happiness. I am really enjoying it!!”

Still curious? Take it from Anna P., who told me last week:  “I just finished your book and loved it. Some of what you say I really related to and other times it was like when Arsenio Hall used to say ‘Things that make you go hmmmmm….”   

**Special offer:  Buy PGG between NOW and Sept. 15th and receive a 10% discount on Kristina’s coaching services!**
(must have proof of purchase with date, receipt)  

If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

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In every life we have some trouble / But when you worry you make it double. ~ Bobby McFerrin 

As the saying goes, three things are certain in life: death, taxes and change. Change comes in all shapes and sizes, some scarier than others:  climate change, career change, graduations, marriages, relationships, TV changes, sex changes, change of residences and regime change to name a few – and right now seems chock full of them!

The reality is that time keeps on slippin’ into the future, so we have no choice in the matter of change, because like Kevin James’ dancing in Hitch [ff to 2:10], “You can’t stop this, you cannnoottt stop it… ”

Most folks have a hard time with change.  We’d rather stay comfy and/or miserable rather than letting go of our crutches and seeing what else life might have in store us.  We cannot control things but we can control how we respond to them: we can resist and go kicking and screaming or we can accept that change happens, and just go with the flow.

Going with the flow means listening to yourself, and giving yourself what you need at any particular moment. The best way to deal with change is to trust in yourself and be your own best counsel, so it’s important to have that ‘muscle’ in place as you navigate the white water rapids of feelings that come with this thing called life.

Change is not always fun, but it’s almost always for the better because change forces growth and growth is good. And once the change happens, we can’t be like a goldfish that lived in a fishbowl its whole life and then when put into the ocean swims around in a little circle as if he were still in a bowl!

David Bowie tells us time may change you but you can’t trace time. So this summer, if you feel you are ready to be hatched, then fly, be free! Not quite like Mork’s egg, but more like Steve Miller’s Eagle or with the help of Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds and the wonder of that other Stevie who sings, Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing 

But if you’re not quite ready to fly the coop, walk without those crutches, or swim in the big blue ocean, give me a buzz and you can  Lean on Me until you get strong and carry on!

(*Today’s PGG was originally posted on June 28, 2011)


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

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