Archives for the month of: October, 2022

One of the things I learned when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself, I could not change others. ~ Nelson Mandela

Revolution is the evolution of humans into a higher humanity. ~ Grace Lee Boggs

My passion and mission in life has always been to contribute to world peace, mostly through my work best expressed in my mantra that personal transformation is the key to social transformation.

So it should come as no surprise that I profoundly relate to and revere the lives of these two icons, Nelson Mandela who died age 95, and activist and author Grace Lee Boggs, who lived to 100. They literally embody this philosophy in every cell of their beings; they have demonstrated it externally with their activism and sacrifice for racial equality and social justice, and internally by the wisdom they have gained and generously share from nearly a century of experience, observation, and, most importantly, reflection.

Both started out as “radicals”, and were branded as terrorists with the requisite FBI/CIA files (Mandela was even on the US terrorism watch list until 2008!) because they initially saw the only way to overthrow the entrenched power structure was by employing the more literal and sometimes violent tactics of revolution through organized movements and a spirit of rebellion.

But through trial and error, incarceration, and maturity, they eventually evolved; they gave themselves permission to change their minds, learn and grow in light of new information, experimentation and once again, reflection — ultimately coming to the conclusion that in order to change the world, they would have to change themselves.

They came to understand that indeed humanity is made up of humans and that humans were going to have to deal with other humans in order to get anything done. So we’d better be the best we can be as individuals and try to get along and get past our differences and disagreements, because the reality is that we must co-exist harmoniously whether in a racially divided African country, a rundown bankrupt American city, or in your very own household.

We are living in extraordinary times, and it is no accident that you are who you are at this moment in history.

What does your humanity mean to you? As our world continues to go through turbulent changes and upheavals, it will be up to us individually and collectively to do our part to “tear down” where necessary and rebuild a more enlightened society that reflects our evolved humanity.

But we have to start with ourselves and do what we can in our immediate environments to demonstrate our own revolution — which, by the way, does not happen overnight or with a magic pill, silver bullet, or special app.

Only through keen observation, deep reflection, and inner and outer sweating effort and energy over a long period of time directed towards improving ourselves and serving others that true transformation can take place. Then, if we’re lucky, by the time we reach our 90’s we can look back and see how our journey has positively and productively unfolded in both a personal and political way, and be proud of what we accomplished and the legacy we will leave behind.

Wondering how it will all go down if you take up the cause? Give me a buzz and I will incite a riot in your heart to make the most of what you got, so at the end of the day you know it’s gonna be alright.

Today’s PGG was originally published on March 8, 2021

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Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul

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Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final seven minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

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You sensitize yourself so much that you recognize how extraordinarily powerful you are. Not power in the sense of taking over someone — but in managing your capacity to not let an illusion take *you* over. To not let a fear possess you. Or in the language of Teresa [of Avila], to not let a reptile get into your Interior Castle. ~Caroline Myss

For years now, we’ve seen an ever-increasing proliferation of superhero movies/series, which to me seems like a very obvious — and often grotesque, given the amount of violence and extreme special effects — projection of our longing to be powerful on the one hand, and our tendency to outsource that power to some savior, supernatural or not, on the other.

I’ve worked with a lot of folks recently who on some level feel or think they are powerless in their job, career, or life in general. These days especially, I also see this reflected in the behaviors of so many people every time I walk out the door or visit Facebook. And while there are certainly some extenuating and challenging external situations and events that could explain such a state, it’s ultimately an inside job: The way that we perceive, relate to and/or confront those circumstances is the main cause of our suffering. In other words, we are often our own worst supervillain!

It’s no wonder though, since every time you turn on the TV or go on social media, especially this past year, all you see are dis-empowering themes and messages — overtly or subliminally — that seep into your consciousness, if you are not aware of them or powerful enough “to not let the illusion take you over.”

If you’ve been to or watched one of my talks, you’ll often hear me say that you have more power than you think you do. Either directly or indirectly, what I try to express in much of my work is that real power is not about controlling your outer world; it’s about taking responsibility for how you manage your inner world — and then the outer takes care of itself.

It’s about how you interact with life, and the choices you make in any situation. Or as Caroline Myss says, it’s about “how you manage creation itself with every breath you take. …And to actually sense what you are sparking in creation.” I also touch on this connection between power and creativity in this interview answer from last August.

At this massively transformative time in the history of humanity, we must begin to know who we are more deeply, understand and own our intrinsic power, and become familiar with our innate wisdom and what is meaningful, valuable and true for us — especially when so many forces at play would have us do otherwise.

And we need to exercise that power in the small decisions we make every day, so that we build up the strength and trust for when the big ones need to be made. And because everything is reflected from microcosm to macrocosm, as we develop our individual power, we will start to see those changes in our collective power.

The journey starts with a commitment to your own self-worth and self-empowerment. It requires an extraordinary effort to break out of the spells from others or your inner supervillains; you must be disciplined and ever-vigilant about where your attention goes, and about where your power ends and another influence begins, particularly on your screens — where “life” happens most these days.

Be particularly observant of the people around you and of your media diet — what you expose your mind and heart to, just as much as what you put into your body or expose it to (see my PGG called Radiohead for more on that), and most of all, monitor the broadcast that is happening between your ears!

This means spending more time out of your head and in your heart, that “Interior Castle,” to help strengthen your connection to yourself and something greater than yourself. In my view, this is the only way we are going to get out of or heal the many messes and rampant dis-ease of every type: mental, physical, emotional, political and spiritual that we as a society, both locally and globally, have manifested.

As one of my superheroes, Mahatma Gandhi, used to preach: We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

Can’t quite recognize what your superpowers are or how to use them for good? Give me a buzz and I’ll activate my x-ray vision and supersonic hearing to help you find and be the one you are looking for, to tap into your gifts, and to find your unique combination that will contribute to taking the planet and humanity back from the grips of the likes of Lex Luthor — whether he/she/they/it are found in your screen, your backyard or your psyche.

Today’s PGG was originally published on March 8, 2021

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Click here or scroll down to learn more about my new book

Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul

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Text CLEARLYKRISTINA to 22828 to be added to my mailing list and be in the loop with my coaching and workshops as well as have these essays delivered to your inbox!


Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final seven minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

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In every life we have some trouble / But when you worry you make it double. ~ Bobby McFerrin

As the saying goes, three things are certain in life: death, taxes and change. Change comes in all shapes and sizes, some scarier than others: climate change, career change, graduations, marriages, relationships, TV changes, sex changes, change of residences and regime change to name a few — and right now seems chock full of them!

The reality is that time keeps on slippin’ into the future, so we have no choice in the matter of change, because like Kevin James dancing in Hitch, “You can’t stop this, you cannnoottt stop it…”

Most folks have a hard time with change. We’d rather stay comfy and/or miserable rather than letting go of our crutches and seeing what else life might have in store us. We cannot control things but we can control how we respond to them: we can resist and go kicking and screaming or we can accept that change happens, and just go with the flow.

Going with the flow means listening to yourself, and giving yourself what you need at any particular moment. The best way to deal with change is to trust in yourself and be your own best counsel, so it’s important to have that “muscle” in place as you navigate the white water rapids of feelings that come with this thing called life.

Change is not always fun, but it’s almost always for the better because change forces growth and growth is good. And once the change happens, we can’t be like a goldfish that lived in a fishbowl its whole life and then when put into the ocean swims around in a little circle as if he were still in a bowl!

David Bowie tells us time may change you but you can’t trace time. So if you feel you are ready to be hatched, then fly, be free! Not quite like Mork’s egg, but more like Steve Miller’s Eagle or with the help of Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds and the wonder of that other Stevie who sings, Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing

But if you’re not quite ready to fly the coop, walk without those crutches, or swim in the big blue ocean, give me a buzz and you can Lean on Me until you get strong and carry on!

Today’s PGG was originally published on June 7, 2011

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Click here or scroll down to learn more about my new book

Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul

*Watch a fun video announcement for it here*



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Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final seven minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

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My first job out of college was teaching Spanish for grades 7–11 at a private school in New Jersey. I started right before I turned 22. I left way before I turned 23.

Fast-forward many, many moons when I found myself in a high school classroom again, this time in one NYC public school’s ninth grade to talk about social media.

Don’t ask. Those of you who know me will find this laughable since I am a recovering technophobe who probably wouldn’t even be online if I didn’t kinda have to be for my type of work.

It all happened very quickly — I was asked on a Wednesday if I would start the first of six classes the following Monday, and without much thinking said yes, I guess because I trusted the person and wanted to see if I could now handle the critters that gave me so much grief way back when. Besides, I’ve been speaking/teaching for years, and I remember ninth grade being my favorite at the time, so why not? Social media? Apparently the entire curriculum would be provided, I just had to deliver it.

HAH! After the first day, with little to no preparation or training, it was like being thrown into a tank with 40 cranky sharks — what did I get myself into?!?! I held my own, but nearly quit. Other days it was like wrangling cats. But there were a few days of pure magic.

After surveying the students and finding out they spend nearly 100% of their free time on social media, I realized that a.) that’s the first problem, and b.) beyond the general predator and online reputation issues (along with their celebrity obsession), when looked at through the lens of cyberbullying and the associated psychological and physical tolls — as in murders and suicides — it quickly occurred to me that having them understand the proper and positive use of social media, texting and the internet could not be a more important and serious assignment…and that it was quite literally a matter of life and death. In other words, I realized that since they live most of their lives on social media, I was really there to teach them about life.

Aha! Now that made sense, because that is what I do for my day job. Let’s just say I tweaked the lesson plans I was provided.

It was an eye-opening experience to say the least. I could go on telling you how much I learned about kids, education, their future, our future, and the culpability of adults; the upsetting things I discovered about how our youth behave, what they think, what they do to each other; how they only care about being famous; how I tried in our short time together to turn some of those things upside down and instill them with completely new empowering ideas and perspectives (yes, the Golden Rule was one of the “new” concepts introduced after you could hear crickets when asked if anyone could tell me what it was); and how I held their attention with my knowledge of Justin Bieber (yes, I saw Never Say Never and was impressed — don’t laugh — it was relevant because of how he used YouTube to become famous, but he is/was extremely talented and worked hard even though he’s had some trouble lately…not to mention second highest amount of followers on Twitter etc.)

I know this is probably the first and only time some of these kids will hear about such things, and I’m pretty sure I reached at least a few who will now think a little differently about their lives and the consequences of their actions, both online and off. But I know for sure there was at least one who truly got it.

After the third lesson, which was the first on cyberbullying and the aforementioned wrangling cats day, I was caught off-guard when after class, a soft spoken but confident kid from the back of the room came up to me, shook my hand and said Miss, I just wanna let you know I really appreciate you.” He had me at appreciate! But he went on to say how disgusted he was with his classmates, that they weren’t taking this seriously and that he had been listening to a lot of Bob Marley lately and was looking for his purpose, how he wanted to be a leader and that today he found his calling.

STOP THE PRESSES. “Purpose” and “calling” were the exact words he used. I cannot make this up. And you can imagine to someone who does a talk called “Who Are You and What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life?” it was like winning the lottery.

My work was done, (or as my new colleague Karim goes: “Boom!” while gesturing the dropping of a mic and exiting stage left.) even if no one else got it and they did not listen to the next three lessons!

Junior (his actual nickname) and I talked about how he might accomplish such a mission, and I asked if he would like to start by talking to the class. Our final day together he did just that — the first time he ever spoke in front of a room! And he was an unlikely candidate to do so according to him and his teachers who say he’s not a great student, and he admittedly wasn’t even the best kid but recently had a change of heart — and my class helped to solidify and confirm his new direction. With no coaching from anyone, he spoke for almost 15 minutes about how his peers need to wake up and take life and education “fa real” and do something that helps others. I couldn’t have been more inspired and proud, as I know for anyone, especially at that age, to get up in such an environment and speak his truth was quite remarkable. It was one of the best days of my life.

I tell you all this because I did not do anything special — all I did was listen to my gut, show up, be myself and do my thing, which is all you can ever do, regardless of the context. You never know what the bigger plan is and how affecting just one person can make a huge difference.. The Universe knows what it’s doing — and what it had to do to get me in the same room with that 14-year-old boy was nothing short of a miracle.

Still not a Belieber? Whether you’re 15 or 51 you’re never too young or too old to take responsibility for your life, discover who you are and be confident enough to share it with the world. Give me a buzz and I’ll help you offer more than just a #Selfie to have a positive impact in the Twitterverse and beyond….

Today’s PGG was originally published on April 30, 2014

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Click here or scroll down to learn more about my new book

Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul

*Watch a fun video announcement for it here*



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Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final seven minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

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