****Generally every first Tuesday of the month from 6-8pm****

(Sign up for mailing list to be in the loop with exact dates)

Feel like you are on your own as you make your next career move?

Would you like to connect with others who are in a similar position?

Are you looking for structure and support as you go through your job search? 

Come to this small gathering of like-minded people in career transition to share your experiences and information with others in similar situations. Facilitated by Kristina Leonardi, the purpose of these weekly, semi-formal meetings is to provide mutual support and resources as well as an understanding of and appreciation for personal growth throughout the job search process.

Please be prepared to talk about the current state of your job search and bring along any suggestions , questions or resources you would like to share with the group, as well as a notebook, pen and business cards (if you have them).

We will have a mix of men and women from various industries and stages in their career so it is a great opportunity to connect with a diverse group of like-minded folks and think out of the box — and you never know who knows who!

It’s a very affordable way to work with me and also gather with like-minded folks who are on a conscious career/life journey.

COST: $55 in advance; $60 at the door
Open to men and women.
Minimum of 2 and maximum of 10 participants.
LOCATION: NYC Midtown East
RSVP Required to kristina.leonardi@gmail.com or call 917-816-0834


“Kristina has a special gift for helping people find their way in their careers and life. She has a sick sense about people and always made me feel better when I was stuck. She combines the perfect combination of intuition and career smarts in her sessions. Her support group has been life changing and instrumental in propelling me forward.” ~ Ilana A.

“I was amazed by your ability to synthesize so much information from so many completely different personalities and tailor unique homework assignments to us. I also have great admiration for the compassion and empathy you showed to everyone, your holistic approach, and your patience, among many other traits.” ~ Shelly C.

Check out a video on JobChannelNetwork that features this group!