Archives for the month of: May, 2015

The unofficial start of summer is traditionally accompanied by a more relaxed, go-with-the-flow kind of attitude.  Years ago, re-runs were shown on a very limited number of TV channels and there was no Internet to entice/distract/constrain us from being outside enjoying the warmer weather and longer days.

With our 21st century 24/7 lifestyle, this means that we have to consciously take time to disconnect with technology and re-connect with Nature, and ourselves.   

Like that cool special effect in big blockbuster movies of our recent past and present,  we need to pause midair and get a full 360 degree view of what is going on around us so that we can take the precise action to defend and/or advance who we are and what we want.

So while in the park or at the beach, be sure to take a moment to reflect on where you really want to be going and why, rather than just moving unconsciously from one activity to the next, day after day.  If you’ve been feeling anxious or not in control, give me a buzz – I’ll take the remote out of your hand, put it on slo-mo, and guarantee you’ll be Feelin’ Groovy in no time!

(*Today’s PGG was originally posted on June 1, 2010)


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When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. ~ Peter Marshall

In case you haven’t noticed, my Personal Growth Gab eblasts have been a bit erratic as of late.  I have been juggling several balls and doing the best I can, in the time I have, with the resources at my disposal, and frankly for the most part have been kickin’ some butt managing it all!

Although I do not received any direct monetary compensation for sending out these weekly PGGs , I have received an overwhelmingly positive response, which provides a level of satisfaction, joy and sense of obligation for me to consistently give you some food for thought, inspiration and perhaps a chuckle to start your week.

But sometimes life gets to be too much all at the same time, and as another PGG says, Something’s Gotta Give. The good news is that these times are always temporary.      

When I was in Tunisia during Ramadan a few years ago, our guide could not eat or drink the entire day while he was educating us about the history and architecture of his country and taking care of all our needs. When I expressed my concern for him working under such conditions, he replied in the calmest, most Zen way, which only a person who is fasting while working 10-12 hours a day in the heat and could say, ” There are no problems, only opportunities.” 

Between the extreme summer temperatures, the public pressure felt from the debt ceiling and other world problems, the many decisions and twists of fate that have been thrown my way -all while trying to throw a celebration of the last ten years of my life – have been an exercise in self-worth, focus and discipline. Let’s just say a few of my carbon atoms have definitely transformed into diamonds, or at least crystallized!

I’ve chosen a journey that includes many challenging situations, having to prove myself and my tenacity, putting everything I preach into practice, be able to turn on a dime, process things quickly and ask for help. I’ve been getting quite the workout, that’s for sure, and have felt like a ninja warrior most recently, but am so grateful, as I am stronger and better for having gone through it all. 

Feeling a little Under Pressure yourself?  Give me a buzz and I can show you how to walk through the fire and become a lean, mean, diamond-making machine. We’ll figure out what the heck and why and what the benefit of all that was – knowing everything happens in time and on time to keep you going and growing in the direction to become the mighty oak that you are!

(*Today’s PGG was originally posted on August 2, 2011)


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A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind,”  was the conclusion of a new Harvard study  using an iPhone app.  It is a sentiment that many religions and philosophies have proclaimed for centuries that can best be summed up by the popular phrase, “Be here now.”

If researchers had a window into our minds, they’d see that we are almost never fully engaged in what is right in front of us, whether we’re thinking of something in the past or future, or simply not focused on the task at hand, and that causes unhappiness.

According to Andrew Bersnstein’s  The Myth of Stress , it’s not the activity or situation that is the stressor, it’s our mind’s perception and reaction to the situation that causes the stress.  By recognizing the reality of the situation at that particular time, and really see why it is happening is a way to greatly reduce your adverse response to whatever is taking place.

I am always talking about process and “understanding where you’re at.” Most unpleasant situations you find yourself in are impermanent; by simply accepting the fact that they are temporary, you can greatly increase your sense of inner peace and balance.  Because life is constantly in motion you need to learn how to ‘go with the flow’ and know that ‘this too shall pass.’

Remember that if you show up, mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, to that meeting, event or conversation, you’ve already done half the work and the Universe can meet you halfway to create whatever it is you want or need.

Out of chaos always comes clarity. Need a little help living in the unknown and keepin’ it in real time?  I can be your personal iPhone app that checks in to show you how to make sense of and the best out of any situation in which you happen to be…

(*Today’s PGG was originally posted on November 16, 2010)


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Humanity with all its fears,

With all its hopes of future years,

Is hanging breathless on thy fate.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Those words may seem a little dramatic, but many of you know my philosophy is that personal transformation is the key to social transformation.  And as I also always say, we are living in extraordinary times.  There is a reason why you are born at the time and place you were born, with the characteristics – physical, mental and emotional, every circumstance – that you possess; you are who you are at this particular point in history for a reason.

Our country and our world is in the midst of an identity crisis which brings with it some tough growing pains. Things are shifting and reaching their breaking point on every level – whether being fed up with racial injustice, fighting for a government and economy that works without legislating by greed or medieval definitions of morality, having the courage to speak up for what it means to be comfortable in your own skin regardless of the gender you appear to be vs. what you know you are, your rights to your sexual orientation; the Earth crying out for healing with earthquakes and extreme weather and the subsequent destruction and crisis’ that force us to work together, or even collectively lamenting the end of an era with Dave and Jon’s exit from their late night posts, the Universe is pushing us to our limits and asking us to stretch our ultimate acceptance of each other as part of the same human family.

Change brings with it the unknown, which makes most of people kind of bonkers. Perhaps you or a loved one are experience a health crisis, experiencing a breakup or natural disaster, transitioning from male to female, or are graduating from one grade to the next or one degree to the “real” world.  Not knowing what’s next, or realizing that what once was no longer is can be unsettling to say the least when we don’t have the tools and perspective to cope.

One antidote to this anxiety is remembering that everyone has a gift to offer and when you both discover and use that gift in the present, it is much easier to trust what may come tomorrow. Dr. Christianne Northrup talks about how the greatest gift you can give to the world is a healed life. If you want to heal others, you don’t even have to be a doctor or a nurse; you can be like the 23year old young man who so lovingly, respectfully and skillfully transports extremely vulnerable patients from their hospital bed to procedure; making their day just a little less stressful, and provides much comfort and ease to help alleviate the fear such a situation entails.

You can connect and find common ground with, or event protest for the rights of someone who is seemingly different from you. You can send a text to see how your friend is doing. You can write a song or book or paint a picture that brings even just a few moments of joy and upliftment to someone in the midst of a challenging situation. Maybe you have the big, profound idea that will literally change the way we live, or  save millions of lives, or maybe you just allow yourself to be who you are and pursue your highest calling, no matter what that is or what it looks like, or how different it may be than everyone currently around you.   

You matter. Everyone has a part to play in the healing of our planet, regardless how big or small. We are all trying to survive and thrive the best we can.  We have to resist the tendency for technology to make us robots and feel disconnected to others; we can all do something everyday that is of service to someone else or expresses gratitude to the service someone has done for us.

Life matters. What we do right now determines how we will live tomorrow.  As the poet Mary Oliver says, “The patterns of our lives reveal us. Our habits measure us. Our battles with our habits speak of dreams yet to become real.”  What kind of presence – not wishful thinking – are you giving to today, knowing that it will make a better tomorrow? We are here to heal the wounds of our world and to lend our voice, talent, passion, money and action to leave it a better place with our having existed.

Not sure what your part in the future is? I’m no Disney-fied version of George Clooney, but can nevertheless inspire you to make the most of today, and if not, assure you like a little orphan named Annie, that the sun will always come out, because tomorrow is only a day away… 


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