Archives for the month of: February, 2019

I walk. A lot. My feet are my main source of transportation, as my Manhattan abode and general goings-on allow me to do so with relative ease. It’s nothing for me to walk 30 blocks instead taking a subway, bus or cab. If the ride is going to be 25 minutes or less plus walking to/from the destination, I often prefer to hoof it for the fresh air, exercise and lack of crowds – plus I save a few bucks and sometimes it’s actually faster! I put on my Ipod, clear my mind and de-stress with each step; I consider it a moving meditation and wonder what discoveries I’ll make along the way.

But in the Big Apple with its hustle and bustle, we must walk with a little protective bubble around us to keep us sane and safe – because if we truly took in everything all at once there would be serious stimulation overload, and perhaps a few unpleasant experiences.

Sometimes though, people take being in their own world to the extreme. I regularly observe legally blind men and women fumble or wait at a corner only to have folks of all kinds pass them by as if they were invisible. Perhaps a few notice but not sure what to do or are uncomfortable approaching a stranger. I generally ask, “Do you need any assistance?” Sometimes the answer is “No thank you,” but more often than not they just need to be pointed in the right direction, know if it’s okay to cross the street, or confirm what block they are on. Other times I’m met with profound relief as they grab my arm while I escort them wherever they need to go.

It never takes more than a minute or two, and the fact that no one else seemed to care upsets me every time. All it means is being a little more aware of your surroundings, which is a good thing no matter what, while still maintaining your don’t-mess-with-me NYC look and attitude as you strut you stuff.

But I realize there’s also something deeper to be learned from these moments, especially when they occur more than once in the course of a week: What is it that I’m not seeing in my own life? Where is my blind spot? How can I do more to show others what they cannot see for themselves?

So big guy (or gal), asking for direction(s) is never easy, but we all need help now and then. Looking for some assistance getting from point A to B? Give me a buzz and I’ll be happy to get you on the right path and walk you through, step by step, guiding as much or as little as you’d like along the way!

(Today’s PGG was originally published on November 1, 2011.)


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Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter for up to date posts, helpful articles and inspirational thoughts.  Slowly building my YouTube channel so you check that out and subscribe too!

Text CLEARLYKRISTINA to 22828 to be added to my mailing list and be in the loop with my coaching and workshops as well as have these essays delivered to your inbox!


Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final ten minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

Click here to watch video


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

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When Lenny Kravitz came out with his anthem in 1989, the world was at once very different and exactly the same as it is now. The Cold War has been replaced by the War on Terror, the Middle East remains a mess, and there are still far too many people on the planet who live in the midst of hunger, disease and injustice. Racism and religious bigotry are alive and well, and economies and the environment are in the tank. Heavy sigh…when will we ever learn?

So what is little ole’ you to do? Well if, as the saying goes, peace begins with me, then the question is, Are you at war with yourself or with the people closest to you?

A loving relationship with yourself must come before you can be in one with another, or to even just get along with your family, neighbors or strangers on the subway. We have to take the time and energy to forgive and love ourselves and others.It’s our responsibility to dig deep to see what is going on inside us, understand it and then have the courage to communicate honestly and lovingly first to ourselves, and then to those around us when appropriate.

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe when used intelligently and intentionally; it can move mountains, heal, connect and transform.

What are you waiting for? There is no more important time than now to let love start ruling your world. Love of yourself, love of each other, love of your work, and love of life itself – the very breath and heartbeat that is allowing you to read this!

Need a little mediation between your head and your heart, what you earn and what you’re worth, your desires and your reality, or you and your significant other? Give me a buzz and I’ll be the peacekeeping force that helps you reconcile all the conflict zones in your life and make love the law of the land!

(Today’s PGG was originally published on September 28, 2010.)


HELP ME MAKE MY NEW BOOK PROJECT A REALITY! In cased you missed it, here’s the email explaining the whole thing, and here is the link to pre-order The Smoothie Principle: How Listening to Yourself Leads to a Life You Love. When you order multiple books you’ll notice some great bonuses on there to work with me, including coaching and workshop 🙂

Click here for some testimonials from past clients 

Click here for a video that explains some ways I can help you as a coach

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter for up to date posts, helpful articles and inspirational thoughts.  Slowly building my YouTube channel so you check that out and subscribe too!

Text CLEARLYKRISTINA to 22828 to be added to my mailing list and be in the loop with my coaching and workshops as well as have these essays delivered to your inbox!


Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final ten minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

Click here to watch video


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over fifty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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[This past Saturday was] Groundhog Day, and whether or not that furry creature sees its shadow, it marks the midway point of winter – a time to be sure you’ve planted the seeds of all that you want to bloom come this Spring.

But the day really reminds me of the fabulous movie starring Bill Murray, who wakes up over and over to the same day with a chance to make things right each time. He ultimately makes the best changes to himself that attract Andie MacDowell, and they live happily ever after. It’s a good time to reflect on what you are doing every day that is help move you closer to or further from your goals. As Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

So what do the Grammys and Lady Gaga have to do with any of this? One year ago you probably never heard of her [remember this PGG was from 2010!], yet on Sunday there she was, the opening act performing with Sir Elton John, on the biggest night in music. Overnight success? Never. From an early age Gaga figured out who she was and what she was supposed to be doing with her life. And with a clear vision, talent and determination took steps every day to get there.

I don’t know much about her journey, but one thing I will bet on is that it was INTENTIONAL, as everything about Gaga is. Anyone who was nominated or performed at The Grammy’s would have that in common, in varying degrees.

Wondering what success looks like for you? Take a little time to figure it out, and once you’ve identified it, use that clarity to find a way to get there – and give me a buzz should you need some help along the way. No matter what you want to do, make your life about it, morning, noon and night and you will see some amazing results day after day after day…..

(Today’s PGG was originally published on February 2, 2010.)


HELP ME MAKE MY NEW BOOK PROJECT A REALITY! In cased you missed it, here’s the email explaining the whole thing, and here is the link to pre-order The Smoothie Principle: How Listening to Yourself Leads to a Life You Love. When you order multiple books you’ll notice some great bonuses on there to work with me, including coaching and workshop 🙂

Click here for some testimonials from past clients 

Click here for a video that explains some ways I can help

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter for up to date posts, helpful articles and inspirational thoughts.  Slowly building my YouTube channel so you check that out and subscribe too!

Text CLEARLYKRISTINA to 22828 to be added to my mailing list and be in the loop with my coaching and workshops as well as have these essays delivered to your inbox!


Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final ten minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

Click here to watch video


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over fifty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | A Decade of Doing What I Do | Express Yourself

While making a purchase last week, I must have been subconsciously but overtly enjoying Pharrell Williams’ snappy tune which was playing on the store’s sound system. The cashier, a young gal probably not more than 21, asked me “Why do all adults love this song?

Ahhh, youth. First off, I needed to comprehend the fact that I was one of those “adults” she was referring to, which took me a minute because I think I’m 25…She continued, “Yeah, my mom and aunts and all their friends get into it whenever it comes on.”

The uplifting, catchy anthem could not have been released at a better time, after one of the harshest winters on record and accompanying the spring forward of our clocks signaling the imminent arrival of brighter days and warmer weather.

But I think the real gift is its simplicity — its airy, carefree, innocent vibe and powerful lyrics. It cuts through all the heavy stuff we deal with and are responsible for and asks our inner child to dance a little inside and out. Because let’s face it, we all need a break from the warmongering, negative TV shows/movies/video games, political bickering, and multitude of challenges modern life presents us “adults” with on a daily basis — even if it’s for only 3:52 minutes.

A friend of my mom’s who I’ve known over 25 years saw me recently, and with a very perplexed look and completely serious tone asked, “When are you going to start aging?”

I just chuckled. I suppose good genes and moisturizer play a part, but I really attribute it to my frame of mind and lifestyle — I have learned to take care of myself physically and spiritually, and have the tools and discipline to manage my stress (trust me, there is plenty!). I honor and process my emotions, think positive thoughts, and do my best to live in the present and go with the flow, listening to my deepest self and paying attention to the world around me. I operate from my heart (and gut) not my head and value quality over quantity in relationships.

I realize that I am on a journey, and as long as I’m learning and growing and being of service, I am doing something right. I am creative and know how to relax. I’m a practical idealist. I laugh often and cry just as much, if not more. I love. I am committed to being as authentic, balanced and centered as I can be, knowing I’m not “perfect” and that’s OK: I take one day at a time and understand that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, as hard as that might seem to believe in the moment. I am grateful. And lastly, I shake my booty to groovy tunes as much as possible. So yes, I choose to be Happy, because happiness is the truth — and one of the keys to youth.

Need a little help figuring out what happiness is to you? Give me a buzz and I’ll have you clapping along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do. I’ll be there to guide you one step at a time, and make it so can’t nothin’ gonna bring you down! Yeah.

[Fun fact: I had a truly magical interaction with Pharrell (my number one celebrity encounter, and I’ve had a lot) on a NYC sidewalk exactly 6 months after I wrote this PGG and got to give him a HUGE hug and thank him for the joy he inspired all over the world, since it became a global phenomenon that you can see on YouTube.]

(Today’s PGG was originally published on March 11, 2014.)


HELP ME MAKE MY NEW BOOK PROJECT A REALITY! In cased you missed it, here’s the email explaining the whole thing, and here is the link to pre-order The Smoothie Principle: How Listening to Yourself Leads to a Life You Love. When you order multiple books you’ll notice some great bonuses on there to work with me, including coaching and workshop 🙂

Click here for some testimonials from past clients 

Click here for a video that explains some ways I can help

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter for up to date posts, helpful articles and inspirational thoughts.  Slowly building my YouTube channel so you check that out and subscribe too!

Text CLEARLYKRISTINA to 22828 to be added to my mailing list and be in the loop with my coaching and workshops as well as have these essays delivered to your inbox!


Check out this very-roughly-edited-not-the-best-quality video of uninterrupted remarks wrapping up the workshop “Lead Yourself to Success (in Work & Life!)” In this excerpt covering the final ten minutes, I summarize my thoughts about confidence, being a leader in your own life, maintaining your individuality and humanity in the times we live in, and why the world is relying on you to be successful.

Click here to watch video


If you like what I write, you’ll love what I have to say in person!   Click on above links for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today. 

Read over fifty 5-star “Yelp” style reviews here

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | A Decade of Doing What I Do | Express Yourself